Many of our day to day activities can cause greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions are emitted from the cars we drive, the energy we use to keep our household electricity running, to the food we eat.
Ecological Footprint Calculators:
Ever wondered how much carbon your lifestyle emits? Well, look no further than the ecological footprint calculator!
An "ecological footprint" is how much of an impact we have personally on the environment based on the resources we use such as food, water, energy, etc.
These calculators calculates someone's "ecological footprint" based on the amount of resources one uses.
There are many examples listed below!
3. How many trees will it take to offset your carbon footprint?
Offset Your Carbon Emissions:
Do a lot flying and driving? Feel guilty about your emissions levels? Well, with a small donation to a green global project, you can regularly offset your travel emissions. These sites provide travel emission calculators and projects for donations:
Flight emissions: co2.myclimate.org/en/flight_calculators/new
Driving emissions: www.carbonfootprint.com/car_offsetting.html
household carbon emissions

Tips to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions:
Switch to renewable energy suppliers.
Turn off unneeded lights.
Raise the thermostat A/C and lower the heat settings.
Buy Energy Star appliances.
Turn off the marginally convenient Standby settings.
Don't leave water running.
Clothes dryers, gas or electric, use a great deal of energy. Consider setting up a retro clothes line!
Reduce automobile usage. Simply put, the more cars, the more greenhouse gases and heat production and the need for more roads. Where and when possible, walk, bike and use public transportation. Over long distances, where practical, use buses or trains instead of airplanes.